Michael Lazin on 29 Dec 2003 20:00:03 -0000

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Re: [PLUG] Re: linux hard drive troubles

I called technical support on this issue and they insist that this is a bios limitation and I need a controller card. This leads me to this question, what would be a ATA-100 controller card to use with Linux?



On Dec 29, 2003, at 8:49 AM, Tom Diehl wrote:

On Sun, 28 Dec 2003, Jesse Huestis wrote:


Jeff has some very good advice.

Can you see the drive correctly in the systems BIOS?


I am wondering, as I have had the same problem with some older machines
and the ATA 133 drives, do the other *FDISK programs see the drive
correctly even if teh BIOS does not?

You should be able to set the bios to type none and linux should detect it
properly. Assuming you are not trying to boot from the thing.


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