Paul on 14 Oct 2004 16:47:02 -0000 |
Jason Costomiris wrote: Yes, it gives you both access control && encryption. WPA includes crypto & auth components. This is good. WPA support seems to vary widely based on hardware /and/ software. That got me thinking about VPNs again. VPN's, at least in my case, are software-only and totally free, with good support for multiple platforms. Then, I realized the vulnerability of using only VPN over a wireless network. Crackers connecting to the access point could attack the clients directly through their unencrypted channels. I'm assuming that most clients do not have their own firewalls. (Is that a reasonable assumption?) The access point would have to restrict access to the VPN port only to protect against that. Again, there's that trade-off between convenience and security since non-VPN clients would not be able to use the network. ___________________________________________________________________________ Philadelphia Linux Users Group -- Announcements - General Discussion --