JP Vossen on 9 Aug 2008 12:29:49 -0700

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Re: [PLUG] Free Edutainment Software

> Date: Fri, 08 Aug 2008 20:15:48 -0400
> From: Kevin Valentine <>
> Subject: Re: [PLUG] Free Edutainment Software
> JP Vossen wrote:
>> I finally got around to making a short list of "Free Edutainment 
>> Software" at  There's a 
>> lot of good stuff for little kids, and amazingly most of it even runs on 
>> Windows.  I've been meaning to do a quick list for a while and finally 
>> got around to it.  Let me know of anything else that's good and I'll 
>> (eventually) add it.
> Thank you for providing all those links!  I just used some of the 
> applications with my 2 year old daughter.  She's still too young for 
> most of them but was able to play with a few.  So far we've used the 
> ChildsPlay and GCompris suites.  I'm looking for more in her age group.  

Yeah, my 2yo mostly likes Childsplay, including, inexplicably, the 
typing tutor, though I have to help him.  Check out Ktuberling, she'll 
probably like that.  It's a KDE app but runs fine under Gnome (I don't 
run KDE) except that it'll have to install a ton of deps.

My 4yo loves Tuxpaint and "giving Tux a shower" in GCompris.  I set up 
~/.tuxpaint/saved/ as a symlink to a network drive so all her artwork is 
available on the 2 different PCs she uses.  When she noticed this, she 
wanted to know how the picture got from one computer to the other, so I 
showed her the Ethernet cables.  I figure TCP/IP is a little over her 
head just yet, but I have TCP/IP Illustrated I-III for when she's 
ready... :-)

> Will let you know if I find any good ones.


Glad it was useful,
JP Vossen, CISSP            |:::======|        jp{at}jpsdomain{dot}org
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