bergman on 2 Sep 2009 07:43:39 -0700 |
In the message dated: Wed, 02 Sep 2009 10:09:14 EDT, The pithy ruminations from Ben Love on <Re: [PLUG] ethics of APs> were: => => --===============0688771054== => Content-Type: multipart/signed; micalg=pgp-sha512; => protocol="application/pgp-signature"; boundary="Dxnq1zWXvFF0Q93v" => Content-Disposition: inline => => => --Dxnq1zWXvFF0Q93v => Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii => Content-Disposition: inline => Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable => => * zuzu wrote: => => > I've been an advocate of the mentality since the => > early adoption of 802.11b circa 2001. real-life "Wi-Fi" transfer => > rates are far below my 20Mbps symmetric (soon to be upgraded to => > 25Mbps) uplink to FiOS, so why bother trying to "secure" it? (IMO, => > you're just being a dick by locking out free riders.) anything Agreed. In many situations (short-term residences, travel, etc.) I've been very happy to discover that my neighbors were named "Netgear" and "Linksys", and I feel like it's just paying back to the community now that I've got the resources to provide an open connection for others. => > important like email should be encrypted with SSL connections from the => > client computer anyway. not to mention all the embedded devices with => > "Wi-Fi" connectivity that don't understand or play nice with anything => > except an open AP. => => I ran an open AP for a while. I had it on a separate VLAN and => everything, so all it could talk to was the Internet. I don't think it I do the same thing. [Actually, my latest AP upgrade broke my config, so I've got to re-do that.] I also did the following: limited the number of active connections on the Free Internet SSID limited bandwdith on the Free Internet SSID I deliberately do not monitor traffic on that SSID, but I would sporadically check the DHCP logs to see how much use it was getting...I belive that there were about 25 clients over about a year, with about 3~4 active clients at peak usage. => ever got much use, as I do everything wired inside the home. => => But, then I heard about someone at work getting her door kicked in by => the Feds because one of her neighbors was using her (accidently) => unsecured wireless for not-so-legal activity (and I don't mean simply Citation, please. There are too many "urban legend" and "friend-of-a-friend" stories going around. => violating copyrights). Of course, she was ultimately not held => responsible, but who wants to go through that headache in the first => place? I'll let some other young idealist take the risk. => => --=20 => Ben Love => blove+signature (at) || ASCII ribbon campaign - () => || against HTML e-mail - /\ => => --Dxnq1zWXvFF0Q93v => Content-Type: application/pgp-signature; name="signature.asc" => Content-Description: Digital signature => Content-Disposition: inline => => -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- => Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (GNU/Linux) => Comment: => => iQIVAwUBSp58ig6c8m/a4yhPAQqeIxAA2TqNkRnw0u7YXSnM/J8KRnwrR9wLoz5u => ORtGQ06K8IyjeSHbZTCfYQEzhYQ7WEEdFNSCvarew84MF9Oh9KDpDiI7dLO8Kd1V => FDD3Hj+CFE2PHH32nH8NqJ07F9wiH5ZzjSN9O0bjZ0TOFzPi8OICTbIs3UJv/PS1 => wdc9P40QKIO0CAFB/QNLgCmDbHr/ih+rEPhHQIpsKf/8jg5AeqW9dfHnMGBS2wk2 => JW4K6pcHqdUa2hBn5MYiYgdIiSyC7jMB+Knp9UCrmtU8Tby5MbFP7cnyY8WXpyxM => oHbbf3yBTIu+WQasK0WTi0y7dMacGUSnoFpSPcjMOTwpa6vFMCTTH+nwdW3y2rGk => 30Jzo3+BMKLhgTsiAvrAmaD3lVR25cR61Be6p9qDpBl7dNJ8pDd/is+ZbQy9TVif => hZrDzXHA2PY3mCOjRpxeGIzHH9ig8yjYc9zKrUzHMq+M7HQDP0+fWgV/n91lPOM7 => 66G62uc11yPnAmE4yL9sNzOtnlARIXZKgwShkzfV/j+FumTKOGVkXghxV8uov6g+ => RnBhsBim9qYCgBmW7QRtp9vUJs/xQH0wEpSdmwkl+65pzzTVYZsDGipwnd1lPM+J => 8Bh1z6+vIjvc3JKcKV+R/s4KsS+pDSdbWb/96xoIrDzf3F+chRFGpXEd5fuDPt0c => T7h92nvGqcY= => =094+ => -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- => => --Dxnq1zWXvFF0Q93v-- => => --===============0688771054== => Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" => MIME-Version: 1.0 => Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit => Content-Disposition: inline => => ___________________________________________________________________________ => Philadelphia Linux Users Group -- => Announcements - => General Discussion -- => => --===============0688771054==-- => ___________________________________________________________________________ Philadelphia Linux Users Group -- Announcements - General Discussion --