Conor Schaefer on 10 Mar 2010 09:07:44 -0800

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Re: [PLUG] Spaz or software?

I can't speak specifically about the UNR drivers, but have you tried searching the Ubuntu forums for customized xorg.confs?

I know that editing the xorg.conf file is no longer necessary for most things, but I'm pretty sure manually specifying certain value ranges in there will allow you to adjust the sensitivity to your liking.

Personally, I abhor tap to left-click, but I like multi-finger taps for right- and middle-clicking.

On Wed, Mar 10, 2010 at 8:09 AM, Art Alexion <> wrote:
I don't do well with touchpads configured with tap to click.  I turn it off when I can.  This is a pretty narrow question, but on an EeePC with a synaptics touchpad running Ubuntu Netbook Remix.

Turning off tap to click on Hardy/ubuntu-eee was hard to get working but the features all worked.

Seems like it worked OK with Karmic UNR at first, but now I seem to accidentally get a right click menu really often.  Anyone else noticing that the Karmic UNR touchpad drivers being flaky or have I taken finger uncoordination to a new level?

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