Eric H. Johnson on 6 Jul 2012 08:40:29 -0700

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Re: [PLUG] Linux friendly tablet?

Ignoring the fact JP said wifi only in the original post, I have had
T-Mobile's $40 per month unlimited data plan for 2 1/2 years and have few
complaints. When I signed up it was unlimited data and unlimited roaming
(well they would terminate the plan if you used roaming excessively, but did
not charge for it). It is still unlimited data, but will throttle the amount
of 3G after 2GB IIRC.

Earlier this year when going through a section of Wisconsin not covered by
T-Mobile I got a text message warning that I could be charged for roaming,
but when I got my next bill, there were no roaming charges on it.

It is true that coverage is poor in some areas of the country, and in some
cases the 3G coverage is sparse, however it is overall pretty good on the
east coast.


avoid T-Mobile if at all possible.

8 years of Verizon with nary a dropped call.
2 years of T-Mobile with dropped calls, bad service, no thought to the needs
of the customers, and horrible coverage.

And these are very large business plans.

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