Soren Harward via plug on 26 Jan 2023 08:49:14 -0800

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Re: [PLUG] My Holy Quest for a WYSIWYG HTML Word Processor

On Thu, Jan 26, 2023 at 11:07 AM Casey Bralla (Mail List)
<> wrote:
> Soren, I'm ignorant of Markdown.  Their website seems to say that
> Markdown and WYSIWYG live in different worlds.  But maybe I'm just not
> knowledgeable enough to know.

Yeah, Markdown was originally conceived to be easy enough to parse
visually and write that you don't really need WYSIWYG. But it's easily
rendered to HTML+CSS. So if you need something with more formatting
than plain text, but easier to read/write than raw HTML+CSS or
XML+XSLT, Markdown hits that sweet spot.

> Can you recommend a WYSIWYG Markdown editor?

Not for what you're looking for. My experience with Markdown is
posting hand-formatted MD on sites like Reddit and Github, and using
it in code editors like kdevelop and vscode when I'm writing up
documentation. Honestly, I find it easy enough to read even with the
markup that I haven't looked for a WYSIWYG editor.

Soren Harward
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