Darxus on Mon, 25 Jun 2001 20:00:05 -0400

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Re: [PLUG] upenn (was: need more meeting location options)

On 06/25, Bill Jonas wrote:
> BTW, I noticed that UPenn is a "non-option", according to the web page,
> because they want to start charging money.  How much money did they want
> to charge?  If it was something like $50, why couldn't we just ask
> people to throw in a buck or two?  I can see if it was $300, like the
> Convention Center, why it would no longer be considered an option.

MCT dug this up:

----- Forwarded message from Vale_Kenny@vanguard.com -----
From: Vale_Kenny@vanguard.com
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 08:13:58 -0400
Subject: [Plug] University of Pennsylvania meeting facility...

Hey Folks,
     The Good News is that Univ of Penn would be more than happy to allow us
space fro PLUG, and include network connectivity, computers, and projectors.
The bad news is they want to charge us for them.
The skinny is..
up to 50 people $100.00/event
up to 100 people $150.00/event
equipment extra..
The search continues..

----- End forwarded message -----


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