Darxus on Tue, 5 Mar 2002 12:35:53 -0500

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Re: security tips - Re: [PLUG] serving webpages from home

On 03/05, Bill Jonas wrote:
> Actually, no, it's not GPL'd.  It's what RMS would describe as a

My bad, I could have sworn putty used to be GPLed.

On 03/05, Greg Lopp wrote:
> It's not just the data files that would have to be put in the
> jail is it?  Wouldn't you also need all of the various libraries


Yes, it would be involved.  It's another one of those my convenience vs. an
attackers convenience issues.  I don't think library dependancies are hard
- you just chroot it and try to run it and copy over the libs it complains
about not having.  I guess for most people it wouldn't be worth it, but if
you're bored, it might be an entertaining and educational way to spend a
weekend :)

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