Paul on Fri, 12 Jul 2002 10:25:17 -0400

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Re: [PLUG] DVD frustration

I've explained this before. It's really very simple. Whatever you
used to login (xdm, kdm, gdm, et c.) executes as root. When you, the
user, login, it chowns and chmods things to you. When you log out,
it chowns and chmods them back to root. It's presumed that you'll be
running X on a mostly-single-user workstation (why would you want X
on a server?), but it's completely configurable. Under standard
X11 stuff (read, xdm), the files are at:

So, when I start X, I'm basically giving up multi-user control over my CD-ROM drive? Oh, unless I create a group to allow access again.

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