Rahul Karnik on Thu, 10 Oct 2002 17:00:06 -0400

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Re: [PLUG] debian dist-upgrade from woody (stable) to sarge (testing) report

christophe barbe wrote:

I run unstable on all non-server computers and stable on all server
computers (to get the security fix quickly).
In my opinion (I am not alone) the release cycle is too slow and you
can't reasonably stay with a pure debian/stable install between two
releases. You end up adding a lot of unofficial source entries and with
a less stable systems.

I personally consider unstable (that I call sid because it is not unstable) a very good choice if you are aware of the debian dev.

And yet, unstable is still behind in some respects, e.g. gcc 3.2 is not supported as the core compiler yet. Meanwhile we have (at least) Gentoo 1.4, RedHat 8.0 and Mandrake 9.0.


In Gentoo, at any point I have the ability to upgrade to the latest version of any package, including alpha/beta versions if I override the defaults. Works surprisingly well, except for those darned compile times. There is some ongoing work on offloading the compiles to another possibly faster computer, which would help immensely for laptop installs.

A lot of tests have been done and they show nothing significant except
for a fews apps. For example ssl is greatly improved when compiled with
the appropriate optimization. We have a few packages with per-cpu-type
optimization and a work is ongoing to allow automatic recompilation with

I don't know if this is still true since GCC 3 includes very specific optimizations for Pentium III, Athlon and so on.

Does gentoo supports powerpc or the 10 others architectures?

Only Sparc and PPC ATM. An Alpha port is in the works. This is hardly a selling point for me, especially since I am speaking with a specific machine/need in mind. I don't want to rehash the age-old distribution war, but would rather evaluate them wrt my specific needs. As with OSs, to each his own.

Rahul Karnik

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