Jeffrey J. Nonken on Mon, 9 Jun 2003 16:57:15 -0400

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Re: [PLUG] [FS] Sparc SS5-170 with over 200 MG memory

At 12:36 PM 6/9/2003, you wrote:
Make that two mouse pads and a Sun microphone (spare stuff hanging

I still haven't tried any of this out since I either consoled or ssh'ed
into my Sparcs in the past.

OMG, TWO of them.

My advice to you is, no matter what you do with the SPARC, even if you can't find anybody to give it away to, is to consider selling those mouse pads. With or without the mice. Check out eBay or ask on the Sun Rescue list (

----- Jeffrey Nonken - Any opinions expressed herein are my own. Unsolicited commercial email will be ignored, tossed, laughed at, and/or complained about -- and I won't buy anything from you.
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