Mark M. Hoffman on 19 Sep 2006 13:03:34 -0000

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Re: [PLUG] Sorry if this is OT but... Google Steals!

Hi John:

* John Von Essen <> [2006-09-18 23:48:21 -0400]:
> Its a huge difference. If all users get this 50% click fraud, and  
> google's ad revenue is $100 million, then their stealing $50 million  
> of of thin air.

That position makes no sense to me: advertising with google (or anyone else)
either brings you enough business to be worth the cost... or it doesn't.  The
number of clicks billed is not actually part of that equation; I wouldn't get
too hung up on it.

Now if that 50% figure starts trending upward, that may be a different story.


Mark M. Hoffman

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