Alex Launi on 15 Dec 2011 07:35:37 -0800

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Re: [PLUG] I have had time to consider and may now comfortably hate Unity.

I'm curious what your beefs with unity in the first place are. What do you mean a kiosk interface? I find unity to be hands down the best shell I've ever used. Faster, more intuitive, with great keyboard shortcuts that make my life wicked easy. And the stuff we've got brewing is unreal.

*disclaimer* I work for Canonical on Unity.

On Thu, Dec 15, 2011 at 10:15 AM, Austin Murphy <> wrote:
> Anyone else have a fave distro/desktop combo?

I've been using Debian/Fluxbox for years now. ÂI'm very happy with it
because it mostly stays out of my way.
Key features:
Â- window overlapping
Â- scroll wheel on background to change virt desktops
Â- right click on background for full debian menu (with personal
favorites on the first list)

I use separate virtual desktops for Iceweasel, Claws Mail, and Pidgin,
and then have ~7 more filled with RXVT windows.

I've heard of other similar options, like ION, but I've never felt
compelled to try them.

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