John B. on 28 Feb 2014 12:34:00 -0800 |
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Re: [PLUG] Netflix & FiOS (was Re: Cord Cutting Options) |
FiOS user here too -- I use it on my Macs, PS3, iPad, iPhones, AppleTV and, if all else fails, the Wii. No problems to report, nor with Amazon Prime streaming.YouTube, however, tends to stutter to a degree that's unseemly.--On Fri, Feb 28, 2014 at 2:08 PM, Greg Helledy <> wrote:
I have had zero problems with Netflix streaming on FiOS.
I am using a Wii.
Interestingly, bandwidth is not smooth, but has large peaks and valleys. Peaks go over 3MB/second, but if you only had 1.5MB/second service (with DSL, for example), I think you'd be ok (as long as nothing else in the house was using bandwidth at that time).
Greg Helledy
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