brent timothy saner via plug on 21 Mar 2021 10:44:58 -0700

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Re: [PLUG] Windows driver for ext2/ext3

On 3/21/21 12:49, Walt Mankowski via plug wrote:
> On Sat, Mar 20, 2021 at 09:32:56PM -0400, brent saner via plug wrote:
>> Oh, you don't like Powershell commands? They're just copypasta, but fair
>> enough.
>> No typing required. This method *does* require modifying the Settings, but
>> there's screenshots,
> I confess I've lost track of your arguments. Are you still maintaining
> that this is the simple way to do things? :)

My original assertion, which you took issue with, was - and I quote -

"It's still hacky, but it's less hacky than a lot of other options."

At no point did I maintain it's the *most simple* way to accomplish this
of all options.

> I think it's reasonable that there are a range of solutions to Eric's
> problem, and which one is best depends on how often he's going to need
> to exchange files with his wife's laptop. Using WSL seems like
> overkill if he's only going to do this every couple of months. And if
> he's going to do it a lot, probably a NAS or Samba shares, or even a
> shared dropbox folder, would be a better solution. I'm honestly not
> sure that WSL would ever be the best solution here.

That's fine, I don't need to convince you. Being someone who has done a
lot of cross-platform integration, I know firsthand which I'd prefer
given the option - and setting up Samba ain't it. Because in order to
get things working nicely with Samba, you don't just "set up a share".
You configure an entire service[0]. And *then* you get to configure a
share. And don't forget that you should map a share on the client. And
don't forget to add *multiple* shares because you can't use arbitrary
locations with Samba. And make sure the media is hooked up to the right box.

>> This is... not true, on the Samba point. Not everyone is using some Ubuntu
>> derivative where shares and hooks in the file explorer shortcuts pre-exist
>> at installtime of the OS.
> I was thinking he'd just create a share on his Linux box and map it
> as a shared drive on the laptop. That seems pretty simple.

See above and [0]. The setup involved for Samba is more complex than WSL
installation, which is literally a copypasta'd 1 or 6 lines (depending
on if you have beta enabled for Windows or not).

>> As for exFAT, it suffers extreme performance degradation the more files are
>> on a filesystem, it doesn't support TRIM on nix-like last I checked, and
>> you *absolutely* want journaling on a removable disk, otherwise you're left
>> with artifact objects over time which you won't be able to fix without
>> reformatting the thing.
> I'm certainly not going to argue that exFAT is the filesystem I'd pick
> for a production system. I'd only recommend it for things like flash
> drives because there's good support everywhere.

"It works great (until it doesn't)."

OP asked for, and I quote:

"Does anyone have experience with a *trustworthy*, *solid*, and *safe*
solution to get ext2/ext3 support in Windows?"
(emphasis added)

> I don't know about you, but for me I have some flash drives that sit
> on my knapsack for months on end until the opportunity arises to use
> them. Performance is the way less important than convenience. I don't
> want to fiddle around with settings or network connections. I'd gladly
> trade a bit longer transfer times for having it just work when I plug
> it in. Also, I'm having a hard time imagining a situation where I'm
> using flash drives to snearkernet files that the filesystem
> performance would even be noticeable, let alone something that I'd
> want to optimize for.

See above. Performance is not the only concern when it comes to exFAT.
The reality is it's a redesign of a filesystem that is functionally dead
(with the exception of ESPs), and attempted to address limitations of
that. It was never designed to be a solid filesystem, it was designed
precisely so you could use files >4GB, and.... that's about it.

Samba, worth noting, requires far more "fiddling with settings [and]
network connections" than WSL would (which would not require it at all -
in fact, it wouldn't even require a network connection to be active on
the machine), yet it is something you directly suggested as acceptable.

> All things being equal, I'd certainly prefer to have journaling on a
> removable disk. I've got an external drive hooked up to my Linux box
> now, and it's ext4. But for a flash drive I use mainly to transfer
> files between different machines running different operating systems,
> I'd rather have something that works everywhere with a minimum of
> fuss.

I'm fairly certain using a non-journaled filesystem is really not a good
idea for a medium that has the propensity to have its connection to the
hardware suddenly and forcibly removed.

> Look, this isn't a production system. It will take a lot of cruft to
> fill up his 64 GB drive. What's the big deal if the worst case happens
> and you have to reformat it? It's all temporary files anyway. And
> it'll take way less time than installing WSL2. You don't need a pickup
> truck when a wheelbarrow will do.

You are applying the concept of temporary files on the original request
without OP suggesting or implying as such, let alone stating it.

Again, the original request was:

"Does anyone have experience with a *trustworthy*, *solid*, and *safe*
solution to get ext2/ext3 support in Windows?"

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