On Monday, September 16, 2019 at 8:11:46 AM UTC-7, atn wrote:
"Berkeley Raspberry Pi Meeting"
Excellent. Looks good.
and can make it into a folded sign with
both sides printed. Alan
Same all around for me too ("impeccable", "excellent", "looks good", ... etcetera.)
The only suggestion on top of making it into a folded sign with both sides
printed is to maybe add three or five extra blank lines between each side
and to then add a visible foldline directly through the middle.
Some people get fancy by doing a foldline of equal signs with the obvious
message "FOLD HERE" in the middle of the line for further emphasis, like so...
"======================= FOLD HERE ======================="
IMHO, the foldline doesn't really have to get that fancy; a simple line of
dashes running across the middle of the page does just fine.