Daniel G Roberts on Wed, 18 Sep 2002 21:25:23 -0400

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[PLUG] Blew away my MBR and lilo<<Help needed!

Hello All

I have a triple boot disk and I jsut plastered my lilo.. How do I recreate it?
Here are some details>
Partition 1 /boot
Partition 2 Win98
Partition 3 Win2K
Partition 4 /SUSE8

so up until one hour ago I would boot the system and up would pop lilo.
I happened to have run SpeedDisk on my WIn98 partition and upon reboot I couldn't
reboot into win98 after lilo.. I got something along the lines of invalid system.
So being tired I boot a DOS floppy and did an FDISK /MBR  and of course when I
rebooted again I got the missing operating system note..
So I rebooted the floppy and did an sys c: and at least I can now see the Win98
stuff..but with no lilo

So question is>
How do I boot my SUSE8 partition and restore lilo as it was before this mess?

Thanks for any help!
Dan Roberts

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