JP Vossen via plug on 30 Jan 2023 14:42:19 -0800

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[PLUG] Troubleshooting (was ...My Holy Quest for a WYSIWYG HTML Word Processor)

On 1/30/23 09:40 AM, Casey Bralla (Mail List) via plug wrote:
Good point.  I often find that simply composing my question will often
lead me to the answer because I haven't really thought through what it
is I want to do, or what my problem is.

First rule of problem solving is to accurately define the problem.  It's
often an completely overlooked step.

YES!  THIS!  1000x this!  That's not step 1 of my checklist, because there are a few things before it, like check for freakin' disk space, check SELinux, remove UEK (the Unusable Enterprise Kernel), check the logs, and so on.  I can't tell you how many problems I've solve while composing the email to the PLUG list (or other expert).

LONG but great t-shooting details:

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JP Vossen, CISSP | |

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